Admissions Open

Our commitment to Youth

Srushti started two decades ago, built on the foundation of enabling youth as Social Innovators impacting education of rural children. In 2011, Srushti Degree College was established, aiming to contribute to society by providing students from all classes  access to Higher Education, where their aspirations, innovative and entrepreneurial spirit with co-creative leadership skills are nurtured. Students get educated holistically within a campus where they flourish, preparing themselves for careers and purposeful living to impact themselves, society, and the environment

Vision : Co-Create a Better Future

We prepare students as:

Life-long learners. Innovative leaders. Socially responsible citizens.


Students learn by doing group projects,  applying theory in practice. 

This prepares students to be curious to know more, apply knowledge in their everyday lives and evolve together as peer learners & lifelong learners. This builds the academic rigor required for learning.   

Students get a transformational Learning Experience.

Why Choose Srushti ?

Create your future @ Srushti

Students use Design Thinking methods to come up with innovative IDEA’s to tackle Challenging issues which can impact lives beyond themselves.

We prepare students holistically as Creative Thinkers, Passionate doers & positive impact makers.


It’s an exciting journey of self-discovery. Students  find their interests, strengths,  build competencies, map career opportunities to make the right career choices at placement drive. College placement drive help students get their dream jobs. 


 Entrepreneurial students get an opportunity to present their business Idea’s  at the yearly Startup event. They get funding & incubation support, which includes mentoring from national and international  VC’s & entrepreneurs. 

Social Innovation

Youth Social Innovation conference is where students tackle a design challenge and present innovative IDEA’s to co-create student flourishing on campus and listen to other students across India and get inspired.


  • Fees at Srushti is affordable, making  holistic education accessible  to all students.
  • Scholarships are provided to students who are meritorious and needy. 
  • Process:
    • Apply for scholarship during admissions 
    • Attend interview with Principal
    • Assessment of merit and need
    • Decision of part or full  scholarship will be communicated within 1 week of application.

Campus life - Student Self-Governance

  • Student Self Governance committees is selected every year by students & faculty. They  actively participate in the  learning, development and wellbeing of their peers.

  • They learn democratic ways of working together with all.

  • While they have freedom to initiate meaningful activities, they have to be responsible

What our students say

I am Vijith, from Kerala and have always been curious about world affairs. At Srushti, I got this space to explore and was given Life Long Learner award on my graduation day. What I like about Srushti, is the Alumni Engagement. It started this wonderful initiative "Alumni Lecture Series", where I spoke to my juniors. Following this I did a 1 week online classes on "Preparing for competitive exams". This experience not only helped me discover my talent for teaching and gave me confidence to apply it in another field. Ofcourse, it gave me satisfaction to give back to the college.
LIC | Devlopement officer
I thank Srushti Degree College for recognising my spirit of entrepreneurship in the Srushti startup@campus - 20. This gave me the foundation to build my startup during COVID times -CDSS _ Customer Door Step Service for 2 and 4 wheelers. SInce then my business has been expanded to 3 states and is doing well. If you are interested in entrepreneurship, this college is the best place to get into.
Door Step Delivery Service | CEO