Student self Governance

“EVERY student has the freedom to explore, take on challenges, and co-create innovative solutions with peers.”

Srushti Degree College, began with a bold experiment of Student Self-Governance. We do it by  giving responsibility & authority to students, to participate in their learning & development. They run the student’s affairs like  making rules, handling peer issues, and conducting student programs. From our experience through the last decade, it  has been a great way for both students and faculty to know each other better on campus. 

Student Self-Governance team is chosen by students and faculty. They follow ::

  • Honour Code 
  • Hold Open spaces meetings 
  • Co-creative leadership training 

Honour Code: 

Integrity is an important value on Campus for meaningful learning to happen.

 On the first day of college, Students take a pledge:

“I will not cheat, lie, steal or abuse others”. 

Student council members take appropriate action on students, In case of violation of this pledge. 

Open space meetings:

This is held by the Self Governance team often,  to listen, dialog and co-create with their team. These meetings provides spaces to sort out issues and build consensus, when in conflict. They help students to develop sensitivity, understand them from different perspectives, and work towards finding creative, practical solutions. This gives them a  social wellbeing. 

Co-creative leadership training 

Active student members who show leadership  get trained in Co-Creative leadership skills by leadership coach using gallup strengths finder program.